James Joslin

Founder and president of MarineSitu, James has a PhD in mechanical engineering and more than a decade of experience working as a marine engineer. He started his career in marine engineering in 2007 working with Sea Education Association out of Woods Hole as the chief operating engineer on their sailing school vessels. In 2015 James completed his PhD in marine instrumentation and hydrodynamics.

Paul Murphy

Paul is a software engineer and data scientist who has worked with marine instrumentation for over five years. He began his career conducting and analyzing passive acoustic measurements and has since expanded his role into the development and deployment of data acquisition and control software for all manner of underwater instruments. He earned his M.S. in mechanical engineering in 2015.

Mitchell Scott

Mitchell is a software engineer and computer vision researcher. Since completing his M.S. in mechanical engineering, Mitchell has focused on underwater perception, marine robotics, and machine learning projects through positions at MarineSitu and the University of Washington. In his current role at MarineSitu, he helps lead perception and machine learning projects.


Emily Paine

Emily is a software engineer with a background in math and experience in small business development. She completed a BS in Mathematics at the University of Puget Sound and co-founded and ran a successful history tour company in Seattle. She worked on an open source database tool before joining MarineSitu to work on data management and visualization.


Alexa Runyan

Alexa is an ocean engineer and marine scientist with a background in developing technologies to better understand marine ecosystems. After completing her B.S. in Marine Science with a minor in Physics at the University of Hawai’i at Hilo, she went on to earn her M.S. in Ocean Engineering at the University of Rhode Island as an NSF Graduate Research Fellow. As a project manager and marine engineer at MarineSitu, Alexa supports deployment operations and data reporting.


Sadie Kass

Sadie is a mechanical engineer with an interest in marine renewable energy and environmental monitoring. She is currently completing an M.S. in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Washington with a focus on fluids, energy, and the environment. As an intern at MarineSitu, Sadie supports software development and machine learning.